I rebuilt the engine but didn't do any of the performance mods I had been considering so there isn't much here. The parts were all in good shape (clearances were checked, etc) so the only things that got replaced were bearings, seals, gaskets, and rings. I had one major mis-hap along the way regarding improper use of a clutch tool - I braced it on the kickstart shaft and promptly broke the kickstart shaft's boss on the case. The shop manual warns against doing this, I just missed it. Rich Lambrecht's came to the rescue and welded it up for me.

After breaking the boss I didn't take many pictures of the teardown and won't be giving many details on the rebuild. Buy a manual, follow the directions, ask questions on the bevelheads list (micapeak.com) and/or one of the many Ducati forums out there.

Below: The parts Ducati used to build an "overpowered" 160. Upper Right: Another way to build an "overpowered 160". That's a 350cc narrowcase engine. I wonder if it'd fit? Hmmm.... (No, it would hit the bottom of the tank...)