NOTICE: This page is no longer current, the "Ugly Duc" has become the "Roundcase Project". If you've bookmarked this page, you should update your bookmark to the roundcase page instead. These old Ugly Duc pages will remain on the site, but will no longer be updated.


First, some background. After years of bugging my buddy Scott to sell this to me, he finally called my bluff and we made a deal! (Thanks, Scott!) So while I was in Minneapolis for Christmas last year I made a little side trip to Amery, Wisconsin and picked up this little gem. After dragging it back to Michigan, it's now started it's long trip down the road to recovery.

Notice I didn't say "restoration". Nope, this isn't going to be a restoration. It's my bike now, and I'll modify where I see fit, thankyouverymuch. Spend a year trying to find a plastic gizmo with just the right grain pattern? I don't think so. This one's going to be built to be ridden, though I'm trying to avoid mods that can't be reversed if someone who's a bit more of a "purist" than I am ever cares enough to buy it.

Click here for pics of it's first day in the shop. I've included 5 of the 140+ pics I've taken so far. Hey, I want documentation so when it's going back together I can answer all those "now HOW was this routed again?" questions... You could also click here to see why they call them "bevels". Or use the links on the left side of the page to choose some other destination.